
  1. Review eligibility criteria and submission requirements, here.
  2. Visit CSAE’s awards submission platform, here.
  3. Click “Submit an application”.
  4. Login or create a new account. Please note, the login is a separate portal from and you will need to create a new account.
  5. Once you are logged on, click to begin a new submission.
  6. Use the dropdown menu to select the category you are submitting for.
  7. Use the second dropdown menu to select the specific award.
  8. Fill in the submission form questions, save and finalize.*
  9. A link will be emailed to notify the nominee that they have been nominated by you and prompt them to complete additional questions.


  1. You will be notified via email that you have been nominated for an award.
  2. Click the link identified in the email to access the additional questions.
  3. Complete the questions and save.

Please note a submission is not marked complete until both the nominator and nominee have completed each section, saved and finalized by the submission deadline on February 26, 2021.

*Submissions for the Donna Mary Shaw Award will be marked as complete once the nominator clicks save and finalize. This award does not require additional information from the nominee.

Questions? Feel free to connect with CSAE at

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